VÍA AUGUSTA, 134 . 08006 BARCELONA. PHONE. +34 934 534 543


Doctor Puigdollers

Dr. Anicet Puigdollers obtained the Bachelor’s degree of Medicine from the University of Barcelona in 1978.

Member of the Official College of Physicians of Barcelona with number 14078.

He specialized in General and Digestive Surgery in the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona in 1982.

In 1989 he obtained his PhD (Cum Laude) in Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

In 2008 he obtained a Masters in Photomedicine: Laser phototherapy from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Member of several scientific societies, with several articles published in national and international medical journals.

He has worked as a surgeon at Hospital Universitari Sagrat Cor, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron in Barcelona and Hospital de Mollet Fundació Sanitària.

He is an accredited Surgeon at Hospital de Barcelona, Clínica Corachan, and Clínica Tres Torres in Barcelona.

He was awarded a scholarship by the Research Fund of the National Health Service and the Spanish Association of Coloproctology for training and advances in the specialty.

In 1994 he was awarded the prize “XXV Congress of the Societé International de Chirurgie” awarded by the Catalan Society of Surgery for the best work on PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF ANAL INCONTINENCE.

Since 1996, after a stay at the Hôpital des Diaconesses in Paris for training in pelviperineal pathology, he has carried out intense activity in this field by organizing six National Meetings and presenting several papers and studies. He was founder and coordinator of the Spanish Group on Pelvic Floor that was created with the aim of fostering interdisciplinary collaboration in pelvic floor disorders.

He is currently teaching on the Master’s degree in Pelvic Floor Disorders at the Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.



– A. Puigdollers, F. Azpiroz. El suelo pélvico desde la perspectiva del cirujano general y digestivo: aspectos funcionales. En: Targarona EM, Trías M. Eds. Terapéutica mínimamente invasiva y nuevas tecnologías en cirugía general y digestiva. Barcelona: Masson, S.A. 2003; 208-213.

– F. Azpiroz, A.Puigdollers, C. Amselem. Evaluation of anorectal and Pelvic Floor Muscle Function. En: Becker HD et al. Eds. Urinary and Fecal Incontinence. An Interdisciplinary Approach. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005; 121-136.

– Puigdollers A, Navarro J, Bordes R. Lipoma fusocelular de localización perineal. Cir Esp. 2006; 79: 389.

– Puigdollers A, Fernandez-Fraga X, Azpiroz F. Persistent symptoms of functional outlet obstruction after rectocele repair. Colorectal dis. 2007; 9(3): 262-265.

– Amselem C, Puigdollers A, Azpiroz F, et al. Constipation: a potential cause of pelvic floor damage? Neurogastroenterol motil. 2010 Feb; 22(2): 150-3.

– Puigdollers A, Cisternas D, Azpiroz F. Postoperative Pain after Haemorrhoidectomy: Role of impaired evacuation. Colorectal Dis. 2011; 13(8): 926-9.

– Puigdollers A. Where is haemorrhoidal surgery heading? Cir Esp 2017 (8): 417-19

– Rovira-Argelagués M, Puigdollers-Pérez A, Gonzalez -Barrales I,Pérez-Bote. Angiosarcoma of the anal margin associated with complete rectal prolapse. Cir Esp. 2019;97(9):534

– Puigdollers A , de Balle M, Rovira-Argelagues M, Haemorrhoidal artery distribution in patients with grade III and IV haemorrhoids treated with artery ligation and rectoanal repair. Assessment of Doppler guidance. Cir Esp 2023: 10.1016/j.cireng.2023.09.006